Registration of shares
Registration of bonds
Registration speed for proceeding shares

Standard procedure within 5 working days, express procedure within 1 working day for processing of corporate actions, 2 working days for initial registration.

Standard Express
40 € 120 €
Number of investors/accounts

Transfer instruction fee is linked to initial registry, which is defined by number of investors/accounts. Please define below to add into calculation.

Number of investors/accounts

One corporate action event can include several transfers per account.

Share volume for quarterly maintenance

Market value of securities. For values over 80,000 €, please refer to the PDF file below. Maximum rate for maintenance fee is fixed to 500 €.

Up to 80 000 €

700 000 €

2 000 000 €

Maximum rate

One time registration fee in Latvia
Proceeding fee for registration - Standard 40 €
Transfer instruction fee - for 1 investors 0.85
Reoccurring maintenance fee in Latvia
Quarterly maintenance fee for chosen share value 12 €
Registration speed for proceeding bonds

Standard procedure within 5 working days, express procedure within 1 working day for processing of corporate actions, 2 working days for initial registration.

Standard Express
40 € 120 €
Number of investors/accounts

Transfer instruction fee is linked to inital registry, which is defined by number of investors/accounts. Please define below to add into calculation.

Number of investors/accounts

One corporate action event can include several transfers per account.

Bond volume for monthly maintenance

Market value of securities. For values over 200,000 €, please refer to the PDF file below. Maximum rate for maintenance fee is fixed to 1,560 €.

Up to 200 000 €

10 000 000 €

100 000 000 €

Maximum rate

One time registration fee in Latvia
Proceeding fee for registration - Standard 40 €
Transfer instruction fee - for 1 investors 0.85
Reoccurring maintenance fee in Latvia
Monthly maintenance fee for chosen bond volume 10 €
