An easier and more efficient way of meeting the requirements of Shareholder Rights Directive II.
Maintenance of the register of pension II pillar participant accounts in the Latvian pension system.
Latvian state security aimed at and available for a wide range of citizens – investors.
A well-structured securities market data packages to help you to make decisions based on real-time data
A modern technological solution for fully automated ISIN code issuance
Central Securities Depository (CSD) data for Baltic and Icelandic markets
Documents related to securities registration and maintenance.
Settlement calendar in the Baltics and Iceland.
Transparency is the key to being trusted. Find the related documents regarding the rules, regulations and compliance of Nasdaq CSD’s operations.
In accordance with the requirements of the Central Securities Depositories Regulation (CSDR) Article 7 (1) and Article 5 (1) Nasdaq CSD provides the report of settlement fails.